Daily Archives: November 11, 2008

Following your personal legend

Lunch at Brewerks this glorious rainy afternoon was with Boon, Choo & Ivan. I haven’t seen them in ages, since weeks ago at the recent Oktoberfest & Choo, I bumped into last week when I was shopping at Zara in Ngee Ann City. The 4 of us have been friends for almost a decade, isn’t that wonderful?

Boon just came back from a relaxing Phuket holiday and on the flight, she spotted yours truly in their inflight magazine. If you haven’t already, read here about my splash in Tiger Tales.

Ivan & Choo are as loving as ever, always making fun of each other throughout the course of our 2 hour lunch! The lovebirds had the two singles at the table (Boon & yours truly) tsk-ing with a smile as we shook our heads in quiet observation. Ah, LOVE!!! *grin*

I had to leave at 4pm to prep for the first Ultimate Magic show at Clarke Quay but it was really fabulous meeting up with them – it was my belated birthday lunch and I’m so touched that they remembered, because I’m personally CRAP with remembering dates. I’m just not your typical girl who gets sentimental and all…

Anyways, in between shows at The Arena, I was poking around my laptop and checking out Paulo Coelho’s regularly updated website. Warrior of the Light Online is the place where this talented writer shares his philosophical thoughts and findings. I found most of his entries to be good food for thought, especially what he wrote about following your personal legend.

There is much truth in what he shared about daring  to take risks, being truthful to yourself, reading signs, folowing your intuition and not being afraid to change your mind. For me, being happy is a choice. Bad things happen to everybody, it’s how you deal with it. The only person who can make things happen is… YOU.

The entire portal can be read in English, as well as, a variety of other languages like Russian, Italian, French, Spanish and Portuguese… so do check it out when time allows. Seriously, the various essays are definitelty worth a read!


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