You guessed right… That’s “Magic Babe” Ning holding a deck of cards!

Ade got me the coolest X’mas present ever… my very own miniature!!! *grin* She was acting all sneaky in the morning and I was wondering what’s up, but anyways, it was a fabulous surprise. LOL. I’m really touched because she had it made from Hong Kong and it was specially delivered to our magic studio!

It’s really the cutest thing ever… the clay miniature’s even got the same kinda boots I have and even the same white shirt I wear during my performances! *grin* Also, I appear to be standing on a block of yummy chocolate, which is highly reflective of my chocoholic addiction. The fellas at work can all attest to that… our pantry fridge is always well stocked with yummy chocolates!

It’s going to be awhile before I buy my fave Hawaiian Host chocolates though. These scrumptious macadamia chocolates aren’t really cheap and I hate it when Joseph scoffs them down and from a full tray, there’s only a few miserable pieces left after 3 days. You really shouldn’t gobble chocolates! Not good ones anyways… they’re meant to be relished!!!!

Anyways. I digress. It happens every time when I talk about food… Heh. Oh yes… Boon came by this afternoon and played a few rounds of pool with J C. I think she let him win because she’d have a very good head-start but would dwindle towards the end of each set *raised eyebrow* Hmmm… well, she starts work next year with us. Our family’s really growing!

Sherman, our dear (multi) award-winning magician, will also be joining our team full-time very shortly (YAY!). He popped by our magic hub (the Concept:Magic/ Magic Boutique/ Mighty Magic Factory office) this afternoon in the midst of our usual crazy start-of-the-week chaos and tried fooling us with his new disguise but of course we all saw through it! LOL…

Sherman sporting a very funky Salvador Dali waxed moustache!

Sherman’s silly spy disguise amused me so much, I just HAD to use it on Lola my Friendly Sea Monster puppet! Yes, I finally decided on her name… Lola’s an apt name for her since it’s a very happy name and my squeaky, sweet baby sea monster’s definitely one shy but friendly and joyful gal!

Anyways, I thought Lola looked absolutely cute with those silly glasses and that HUGE knobby nose!!! *Awwww…*

Lola innocently wondering why am I looking at her so gleefully, with Sherman’s dorky glasses in hand…

Lola going “?!?!?!?!?!?!?!” as the goofy glasses are ruthlessly clamped unto her head in this struggle for a photoshoot

Up close and personal… *sniff sniff* Lola looking completely bewildered and wondering what did she do to her mistress to deserve this

Oh yeah, we also had a visit from an unknown creature from an unknown planet… Meet our dear Tuffy, the most adorable creature I’ve ever seen! I really love Shawn’s new baby… Tuffy’s got the cutest digits ever! His friendly face can melt hearts but his voice, now, that’s the one the girls would swoon over *grin* Tuffy is really a lovable sweetheart. That’s him sitting on Shawn’s lap after lunch, isn’t his little tummy just so cute?!

Tuffy tries to give a “HIGH-5”… er… four…

He’s just so completely loveable, I wanna take him home! We actually tried to make Tuffy wear Sherman’s goofy glasses but it wouldn’t fit because they were just too darn small. LOL! However, we realized that Tuffy actually has many other skills.

That’s him working with Lola 😉

Tuffy does puppets!

Anyways, that’s yours truly having a “girly moment” with him. Heh. Is it just me, or does Tuffy actually look shy & bashful in the picture with me? 😛 I know I shouldn’t say this in case Lola gets jealous (my baby’s a sensitive sea monster) but the truth is… Tuffy is so completely HUGGABLE!!

Have you hugged your Tuffy today?

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One response to “

  1. Hi Ning, I’ve read some of your posts and they are quite well-written. Did you graduated in arts or literature? Anyway, nice read.

    I’m keen to pick up some magic and wonder if I could order them and pick them up at your studio. Whereabouts is your studio?

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